Playing with Design Tokens

Welcome back to another post! Today I'm writing about design tokens!

To start with - what are design tokens? On initial reading, it sounds like different things across different projects. Courtesy of Google, the first few results tell me the following:

Design tokens are a single source of truth to name and store design decisions ...

Design tokens - Atlassian Design System

... represent the small, repeated design decisions that make up a design system's visual style. Tokens replace static values, such as hex codes for color, with self-explanatory names.

Design tokens - Material Design 3

... tokens, for short ... are design decisions, translated into data. They’re ultimately a communication tool...

Design tokens - Spectrum (Adobe)

... like nicknames for your design elements.

Instead of using hard codes like color hex codes or pixel sizes, we give them names...

The Design System Guide

To the developers reading this - does this sound familiar? Surprise! Design tokens are variables! Often you'll include them in a JSON file and import them into your project.

For this 11ty blog, I followed a useful post from Heydon Works. This has been great to build the styles; we can loop through the data to create CSS variables, like so:

/* for example, the following loop... */

:root {
  {% for size in theme.sizes -%}
    --size-{{ -}}: {{ size.value }};
  {% endfor -%}

/* ... will output everything in your 'sizes' theme array: */
:root {
  --size-base: 1rem;
  --size-xxsmall: 0.25rem;
  --size-xsmall: 0.5rem;
  --size-small: 0.75rem;
  /* etc... */

I've enjoyed trying this out. Adding the loop is super helpful, and I only have to update one file to change variables sitewide. It means, further inspired by Heydon's blog post, I can easily use this to set the meta colours in the base site template, as you can see below:

// file: _data/theme.json
// i've declared an array of colours, similar to the sizes:
 "colors": [
    // ...
    {"name": "mercury", "value": "232, 232, 232"},
    // ...
    {"name": "shiraz", "value": "179, 9, 75"},
    // ...
// later in the file I've declared the theme colour by name rather than by value
 "themeColor": "shiraz",

<\!-- file: _layouts/base.njk  -->
<\!-- I use a helper function that's added in eleventy.config.js - this helps me find the right colour from the theme colours  -->
<\meta name="theme-color" content="{{ theme.colors.light | findColor(theme.themeColor) }}" />

<\!-- this outputs the following theme based off my theme colours: -->
<\meta name="theme-color" content="rgb(179, 9, 75)" />

With that, not only do I have the same colours everywhere, I can update one variable in one place and it changes sitewide!

This setup is great for this project. I believe Tailwind does something very similar however. I do aim to investigate Tailwind in the future, so look forward to seeing a Tailwind post in the future!

Design tokens are something I've wanted to use for a while, and where better to start on my own project? I've been wanting to try them ever since attending a talk at Frontend North a few years ago.

The concept of design tokens really fired my imagination - I wanted to start using them as soon as possible in projects because it could really help our designers and developers work more smoothly together.

At present we use variables in our styles - currently it's a very manual process where we pick the variables from the design document and adding it manually. If we could automate that process even slightly with design tokens, that'd really help!

Anyway, I think that's all for now - thank you for reading and see you again soon!

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