Hello, world!

Why hello there! Welcome to my blog!

I'm Lyndsey - I'm a principal front-end developer currently based in Manchester. This has been a side project I've been working on for a number of years and I'm glad to get it up and running!

So, what content can you expect to see from me? A good starting point is posting about the blog itself. At the time of writing, the site is sparse, being just this one post. The site is currently built with 11ty, which is new to me, so expect a lot of posts addressing how I go about building a new feature, or any roadblocks I stumble across. I will also use this blog to post cool code snippets or talk about any cool things I've been looking into.

That's all for now - just a short post to say hello! In the meantime, you can follow my projects on Github or connect with me on Linkedin.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!

email github graphcool graphql gulp html5 adobeillustrator ladbiblegroup linkedin mailchimp missguidedMissguided nodejs adobephotoshop react sass twitter